Economic Well-being
Our love of this place inspires us as we look ahead to the future and undertake innovative practices to achieve sustainable, “smart” growth, to evolve along with inevitable change, to encourage localization, and to ensure ongoing economic prosperity.
GABC recognizes small businesses (and government) as the engines of job creation, and secure jobs as the foundation of healthy families and communities. We envisage Gibsons as a model for growth that not only provides jobs but also protects and preserves our natural and human resources. We anticipate that knowledge work, eco-tourism, and cultural tourism will play significant roles in our localized economy.
We undertake to:
- educate ourselves about development issues, examine alternatives, and bring an informed and unified voice to public discourse
- encourage and support a self-sufficient, sustainable local business economy
- patronize local businesses and encourage the establishment of new businesses
- encourage development or redevelopment that ensures resource-efficient, healthy, and safe building practices
- promote fiscal responsibility and consideration of the long-term implications of resource management in development and/or redevelopment in the Town of Gibsons.